Thursday, October 29, 2015

Grow Your Tool Box

For the Global Read Aloud I used Padlet to share our thoughts on two books. 

The first one we posted if we thought the it was a duck or rabbit in the book Duck! Rabbit! and why.

For the second book, It's Not Fair!, we first created an avatar using Tellegami and recorded ourselves talking about a time that wasn't fair.  Then, we posted our links on one class Padlet and then Tweeted them to our partner class!  I even included the link in our weekly electronic email to the parents using Smore. I have no idea if or how many apps I smashed here :)

Here is the link:

Collaborate to Innovate

I met with Stacy Brown, 21 century learning coordinator, to talk about how she would lead a Mystery Skype with my class.  We also brainstormed ways to integrate technology into the Global Read Aloud with the class we were partnered with.  I also learned how to set up a Skype Account.